Fishing for the Classic

The 2015 Bassmaster Toyota Angler of the Year Championship (AOY) is almost underway. Except, the 2015 AOY has already been determined. What is actually being determined this week will be who’s going to make it into the 2016 Bassmaster Classic on Grand Lake. ZOOM has six pros in the tournament.

Newton’s Pair for Ledges

In addition to traveling the country fishing the FLW Tour, Zoom pro Jonathan Newton guides on the famed Tennessee River lakes. That means, in the summertime, he has to be a master of ledges. Once the water gets warm, big bass and big schools of bass, head out to the river channel and look to put the feedbag on.

Trick-ing Fry Guarders

After bass leave the beds, their next job is to protect the newly-hatched offspring. This makes them skittish and protective, but it can also make them extremely aggressive. Fry guarders can be some of the most irritating fish to chase – they should be easy to locate and aggravate, but that’s not always the case.